The Humble Abode of a Very Stylish Girl

Her: Nana Agyemang, CEO and Founder of EveryStylishGirl

Alma Mater: George Washington University and Columbia University

“This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Working for myself. Doing what I love. Being a writer. Being a business woman. Right here. In this very moment.”

What started out as just a hobby of a fashionable college student, EveryStylishGirl, has grown into a platform for fashion forward women to ignite and empower the girl bosses within them. Founder, Nana Agyemang admits that she initially created EveryStylishGirl just for fun. “I wanted to start an Instagram page that profiled diverse women with style. At the time I wasn’t really seeing it anywhere else so I decided to create it myself. It kind of started from a place of frustration honestly.” Now, two years later, the brand has grown tremendously and EveryStylishGirl serves as a well of inspiration for stylish women looking to leave their marks on this world.

Can you share a little about the beginning of EveryStylishGirl?

When I first started EveryStylishGirl, it was really just a hobby. I loved fashion so I just started profiling all these fashion-forward women in D.C. After a few months the Instagram started to gain popularity and I started receiving countless DMs from women who were requesting to be featured. Naturally this allowed the page to grow as more women were featured and shared their fashion and career stories. Eventually I realized that this was much bigger than just stylish photos. This was a real storytelling platform and women were yearning for this type of content. Later that year I expanded to a website and now EveryStylishGirl has an Instagram page, a website, events and countless career opportunities.

What is your ultimate goal with EveryStylishGirl and how do you see the brand growing?

I want EveryStylishGirl to continue to remind diverse young women that they are capable of breaking into the fashion and media industries. If you build the skills, tools and the network you need, it’s possible. That’s what we aim to do. We aim to provide resources, networking opportunities and the encouragement to make these goals possible.

As for the brand growing, I really want to touch the lives of more women. I want the brand to host bigger events and continue to provide the resources for the success of countless women.

What has been your biggest accomplishment with EveryStylishGirl?

I think creating the Sip N’ Slay event series has been one of my biggest accomplishments. I love that EveryStylishGirl has been able to create a space for women to network, learn and grow from each other. This also allows us to reach our audience on a more personal level. We typically host two Sip N’ Slay events each year - one in New York and one in D.C. and this year, both events were sold out! I think it’s a testament to the work we’re doing.

What has been your biggest obstacle with EveryStylishGirl? 

I think learning how to manage everything that comes with being a business owner has proven to be a little challenging. When I had a  full-time job, I’d go to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then come home and work until about 2 a.m. I was trying to juggle it all that at one point, I became so sick. I had to learn to prioritize myself and my health.  Learning that I cannot do everything was a tough lesson for me but I’ve certainly learned along the way.

Additionally, learning how to manage others took some time as well. I now have a team that I have to look after in addition to managing all of my personal and professional obligations.  This is no longer a hobby. This is a real business and it needs to operate as such. 

Did you have a theme in mind when you were decorating your apartment?

I knew I wanted chic and simplistic with minimal color. I love color but I knew that I didn’t want too much color in my apartment. That was really my only call out.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when decorating?

Honestly, I was going back and forth about these lamps for so long. I think lamps are statement pieces in common areas such as living rooms. They have the ability to really change a space and I wanted to make sure whichever lamp I landed on, got the job done.

If you could change one thing about your apartment, what would it be?

A bigger bedroom. But I really believe these small bedrooms are really just a New York City thing .

What’s your favorite part about your apartment?

My location. I love living in Manhattan. I live in a really convenient space that’s accessible to a lot.

What’s your favorite thing about living in New York City?

I love that you never know who you’re going to meet. My mother always told me, “Always look your best. You just never know who you’re going to run into.” I’ve run into so many people – Andre 3,000, Yara Shahidi, Madanna. It’s rare you’ll get these types of opportunities living elsewhere but it’s almost guaranteed when you’re living in New York. Then you get to network with those people when you see them.

Kia Imani